How do you integrate the electronic signature process of DocsRobot with other systems in the organization?
Each system in the organization can activate an electronic signature process in DocsRobot using several methods. The most flexible method is where you transfer to DocsRobot – all the data needed by the document generator to create the document, as well as the contact information of each of the signatories. The data that is sent is that which was entered in the other organizational system, so in DocsRobot you don’t even need to design a digital form to receive them…
DocsRobot also allows additional integration, with a “hardened” method, in which the system does not generate the document for signature at all, but receives it directly from the other organizational system, as a closed PDF file. In this case, pre-definition of the signature positions will be required in a slightly different way.
To this end, the DocsRobot system exposes a rich programming interface (API/SDK)…
DocsRobot also allows additional integration, with a “hardened” method, in which the system does not generate the document for signature at all, but receives it directly from the other organizational system, as a closed PDF file. In this case, pre-definition of the signature positions will be required in a slightly different way.
To this end, the DocsRobot system exposes a rich programming interface (API/SDK)…