…intended to strengthen the business activities of the company’s customers through efficiency and business focus, examples: DocsRobot – a generator of digital climbing WORD documents, TopContracts – an advanced contract management system, DocsRobot, and more…
Among the company’s clients: the Israeli government, the Fatal hotel chain, IKEA, high-tech companies, factories, infrastructure companies, etc…
…specializing in the entrepreneurial world (the company’s products were developed as startups for everything), whose development center is in India – Israeli responsibility and quality, with Indian prices!
Offshore development branch for businesses in the hi-tech fields: rapid establishment and management of development and testing teams, for Israeli companies that need rapid recruitment at a reasonable price, flexibility in the number of employees, who specialize in a certain technology, or professional development management…
Professional experience of more than 30 years
The founder of the company and its chief executive, has been involved in managing software development since 1990, managing diverse technological ventures (not only in the software field) since 2000, and managing software development processes in India since 2004.
The experience gained is from two main areas: in the technological field, the company has gained knowledge related to development processes in a complete life cycle of complex software products, in advanced technologies, and these products currently serve many companies and individuals. In the entrepreneurial field, the company engaged in initiating the establishment and development of technological product companies, starting with the initial planning, through raising capital from private and government investors, and ending with the launch of products and their support
Fulfilling the dreams of software development for more and more entrepreneurs every year, while those who fulfilled a dream through us – always stay with us
To develop software whose capabilities exceed the expectations of those who conceived them, at prices and schedules that are lower/shorter than the expectations of those who conceived them, while our employees enjoy doing it, are proud of their handiwork, and work with methods that are a beacon of quality in the world of software houses