All the signature mechanisms that exist today make it possible to establish signatures at a fixed location on a form with a fixed structure. The problem is that in many cases, as soon as you merge different content each time into the template document, the place where you are supposed to sign the final document “moves” along with the content, and defining a signature at a fixed location – is not enough!
DocsRobot’s signature mechanism works differently: the signatures are defined using textual “signature requirements” (such as “Sign here: ____________”) in certain places in the template documents (in WORD), then, no matter what content is merged into the template document to create the final document For signing, the system will always detect where the signature “moves”, and will ensure that the signer receives the signature panel in the same place!
In this way, you can create complex documents without limitation – pour long texts, tables of information, etc. into them, and still – enable signatures in the appropriate places!
According to the Electronic Signature Law, 2001, an “electronic signature” is a signature that is electronic information or an electronic sign, attached or linked to an electronic message; “Electronic message” is defined as information that is created, sent, received or saved by electronic or optical means, when it is seen, read, heard or retrieved by said means;
The law also defines:
“Secure electronic signature” – an electronic signature in which all of the following are met:
(1) it is unique to the owner of the means of signature;
(2) it enables apparent identification of the owner of the means of signature;
(3) it was produced by means of signature under the sole control of the owner of the means of signature;
(4) it allows identifying a change made in the electronic message after the date of signature;
“Certified electronic signature” – a secure electronic signature which a certifying party has issued an electronic certificate regarding the means of verifying the signature that identifies it;
Of course. There are two options for this:
To choose the subscription and registration, navigate to the registration page of the system. The act of registering to the system will create your “organization” for you, in which you will be the administrator of the system.
To create your organization, please have a company number, with which you will register.
Creating multiple copies of the same document requires an employee in the organization to: (1) find a similar document from the past, (2) create a copy of it, (3) “clean” the “old” information from the copy and replace it with “up-to-date” information.
In the example of the “lease contract” that needs to be created again and again, for example – all the data related to the tenant, the rental transaction itself, and the property must be replaced…
The document generator “saves” the need for the above process – since the creation of a document is done from a “digital form”, without looking for a previous document (the template document attached to the digital form will be used to create the new document), and without replacing values in the WORD document itself.
The document generator operates on the basis of “document types” – you decide what types of documents you want to generate, and then prepare for each of them a “pair” of a “digital form” and a template document (or a collection of such documents). Every organization has one or more system administrators who can prepare these pairs – most “normal” users do not bother with these kinds of settings…
The digital form is prepared easily and quickly by the system administrator using a built-in form generator, and the template document is prepared using WORD itself, from a similar document that has been used in the past (by replacing text-required with simple “placeholders”)
Multiple and different types of documents can be managed in the system (the exact number depends on the subscription) – examples: rental agreement, loan application document, fault report document, etc…
The document generator is a tool that allows you to easily and quickly create multiple copies of the same “type” of document, so that they are all structured similarly, but contain different content, and all this without opening WORD at all.
The creation of the document is carried out from a “digital form” in which data relevant to the document is entered, then – at the click of a button, this data is “merged” into a suitable document template, to create the final document.
Example – an organization engaged in property management can repeatedly create the same “lease contract” by entering, in the digital form, the contract data, such as the tenant’s details, the rental dates and price, and the details of the rented property, and then create the long and complicated contract by clicking button.
The document generator is activated from the system’s main screen – there is no need to “get to it”. However – it is not possible to activate the form generator in a “new” system, where forms or template documents have not yet been defined. In such a system, the main screen will be empty, and will not allow the creation of new records…
To activate the form generator for an existing record, click on the appropriate icon (Create a WORD document, or Create a PDF document) next to the appropriate line in the table of records displayed on the main screen. Also, you can first view the record (by clicking on the icon “View record” or “Edit record”), then create a document from the record by clicking on the appropriate button at the top of the screen.
To activate the form generator with a new record, it is necessary to create it by clicking the “New record” button on the main screen, enter the appropriate data, and then generate a document from the record by clicking the appropriate button at the top of the screen (Create a WORD document, or Create a document PDF).