? How do “electronic signatures” allow to remove obstacles facing the closing of transactions?

Many “deals” require a commitment from the other party, and may fall apart if you face technical difficulties, such as waiting for a terms document that will arrive at a later stage, in order to sign it
The system allows you to fill in essential details during a phone call, then perform the act of creating the document and sending it for signature with the click of a button, while the other party is still on the line. The other party will immediately receive a link to sign, open it from the computer or phone, sign and send, still – while on the line. Now, when you finish the conversation with him, you will know that he is committed to you – you have “closed” a deal!

? How do “electronic signatures” enable convenience and time saving?

Instead of physically meeting with the signing party, it is possible to sign him “remotely”, without a physical meeting, with the push of a button. Such a signature is “immediate” – you don’t need to make an appointment for it.
The definition phase of the “signature templates” in DocsRobot can also be performed independently, without waiting for “professional services” to perform these definitions for your organization.

? How is DocsRobot’s signature mechanism a real revolution?

All the signature mechanisms that exist today make it possible to establish signatures at a fixed location on a form with a fixed structure. The problem is that in many cases, as soon as you merge different content each time into the template document, the place where you are supposed to sign the final document “moves” along with the content, and defining a signature at a fixed location – is not enough!

DocsRobot’s signature mechanism works differently: the signatures are defined using textual “signature requirements” (such as “Sign here: ____________”) in certain places in the template documents (in WORD), then, no matter what content is merged into the template document to create the final document For signing, the system will always detect where the signature “moves”, and will ensure that the signer receives the signature panel in the same place!

In this way, you can create complex documents without limitation – pour long texts, tables of information, etc. into them, and still – enable signatures in the appropriate places!

? What should be prepared in advance for “electronic signature” processes?

“Electronic signature” processes can be activated on any PDF document that the document generator creates from a “document type” that has been “defined for signature”. Therefore, the relevant document types should be “defined for signature” – in one of two ways:
(1) The first, revolutionary in its ease, is defined by adding textual “signature requirements” (like “Signed here: ____________”) in certain places in the template documents of the various document types (in WORD), and that’s all. Despite the simplicity of the definition using the textual “signature requirements”, they can be expanded to define multiple signers for the same document, as well as multiple signatures for each of the signers!
(2) The second – by “drawing” “signature boxes” in fixed positions on a PDF document which is an example of the documents that the system will generate for the signatures with the document generator.

? How do you integrate the electronic signature process of DocsRobot with other systems in the organization?

Each system in the organization can activate an electronic signature process in DocsRobot using several methods. The most flexible method is where you transfer to DocsRobot – all the data needed by the document generator to create the document, as well as the contact information of each of the signatories. The data that is sent is that which was entered in the other organizational system, so in DocsRobot you don’t even need to design a digital form to receive them…
DocsRobot also allows additional integration, with a “hardened” method, in which the system does not generate the document for signature at all, but receives it directly from the other organizational system, as a closed PDF file. In this case, pre-definition of the signature positions will be required in a slightly different way.
To this end, the DocsRobot system exposes a rich programming interface (API/SDK)…

? How is an “electronic signature” performed by the “signatories”?

Each of the “signatories” receives a notification by email or SMS, with a link to display a PDF document on the mobile phone or computer. With the display of the screen and the end of viewing it, each of the signers can easily “skip” between the places where they need to sign, and “draw” their signature using their finger or the computer mouse. The signing is carried out on the infrastructure of Comsign, the oldest company in this field in Israel.
In the case of a “round of signatures”, the second signer in the round will receive the document with the signature of the first signer, the third signer will receive it with the signatures of 1 and 2, etc.

? How do you activate an electronic signature process from within DocsRobot?

Electronic signature process is activated from the main screen of the system. However, such a process cannot be run in a system that does not have template documents that already include textual “signature requirements” (such as “Sign here: ____________”), or in a “new” system that does not yet have forms for inputting information for the document generator…
Activating the signature process is possible from a picture that appears next to each “record” displayed on the screen, which the system recognizes as being related to a template document in which a “signature requirement” is integrated. Clicking on it displays a dialog window for entering email addresses or phone numbers to send the PDF document created from this record to each of the recipients for whom the “signature requirements” have been defined.

? What “electronic signature” processes does the system allow to be implemented?

The system makes it possible to implement “electronic signature” processes for various “types of documents”, in which “recipients” receive a link to display a PDF document on their mobile phone or computer, easily skipping between the places they need to sign, and “draw” their signature using their finger or computer mouse. The signing is carried out on the infrastructure of Comsign, the oldest company in this field in Israel.
The PDF documents participating in the process are those created using the system’s “document generator” – based on a combination of template documents in WORD and information entered in digital forms, with all the advantages of this generator!
It is important to emphasize that the definition of “the places where it is required to sign” is done in a way that is revolutionary simple – by adding textual “signature requirements” (such as “Sign here: ____________”) in certain places in the template documents of the various document types (in WORD), and this Everything!

? What is the “electronic signature”?

According to the Electronic Signature Law, 2001, an “electronic signature” is a signature that is electronic information or an electronic sign, attached or linked to an electronic message; “Electronic message” is defined as information that is created, sent, received or saved by electronic or optical means, when it is seen, read, heard or retrieved by said means;

The law also defines:
“Secure electronic signature” – an electronic signature in which all of the following are met:
(1) it is unique to the owner of the means of signature;
(2) it enables apparent identification of the owner of the means of signature;
(3) it was produced by means of signature under the sole control of the owner of the means of signature;
(4) it allows identifying a change made in the electronic message after the date of signature;
“Certified electronic signature” – a secure electronic signature which a certifying party has issued an electronic certificate regarding the means of verifying the signature that identifies it;

? Do I need to know how to work with WORD “templates” (also called Word templates)?

No. The work is with normal WORD files – like all the ones you have prepared so far…

? Does preparing digital forms require training and study time?

Absolutely not. Forms can be prepared by dragging “fields” of intuitive types (single-line text, multi-line text, list box, etc…) into a form, placing them in the appropriate place on the form (also by dragging), and setting values ​​for several of their attributes (title, field Mandatory, etc.)

? My manager is already logged in. Can I join an organization he has already established?

Of course. There are two options for this:

  1. Ask your manager to add you to the organization. You will receive an email with a temporary password and a link. Navigate to the link and use the temporary password. You will be asked to change your password, and that’s it. You are in….
  2. Navigate to this registration link, select “registration for an existing organization”, and fill in the data that appears on the screen. Please be sure to enter the authorized dealer number or company number exactly as entered by your manager. If you entered the infringer correctly and completed the registration process, you will have to ask the administrator to approve you, and once you are approved, you will be able to enter the system.

? How do I register?

To choose the subscription and registration, navigate to the registration page of the system. The act of registering to the system will create your “organization” for you, in which you will be the administrator of the system.
To create your organization, please have a company number, with which you will register.

? Does the document generator help me employ a junior employee instead of an experienced employee?

This is exactly one of the goals of the document generator – to free up experienced employees to perform tasks that only they can perform, by turning the task of desecrating documents, which only they could perform before, into something that every employee lacks -Experience can do easily.
From years of experience in the field – asking an inexperienced employee to prepare a complex document in WORD – is taking a risk. WORD scares inexperienced workers, and for good reason – it is quite complex software. Every press of ENTER in the wrong place can accidentally delete, disrupt design, and in general – turn a great document into something that looks bad.
With DocsRobot – the preparation of the document, no matter how complex, is done from a simple and organized digital form, and not from WORD itself. There is no possibility that the person who enters data in the form will delete text from the document – because the document is not open at all.

? How does the document generator help me avoid omissions and mistakes?

In the “process” of creating a new copy of an existing document, there are many places to make a mistake: Is the document I chose as the source for copying really the most recent copy? Was I able to find and replace all the previous values ​​with the new ones (didn’t I forget something?) Are the values ​​that I chose to enter in the new document correct (what is the name of the responsible department? HHS? Accounting? Accounts? Finances?…)
Instead of all of the above – DocsRobot prevents all possible mistakes – the template document that forms the basis of the new document is always the most recent, the new values ​​are entered in the fields of a form and not in the WORD document itself (with correctness check, list selection, mandatory fields, etc. ), it is easy to know when we have finished entering everything that is needed, and last but not least – the creation of the document is done without running WORD at all – an action that can always cause errors when entering data into complex documents (accidentally deleting a part of the document, for example, or damaging its final design)

? How does the document generator save me time?

All the steps in the “process” of making a copy of the document take time – locating a suitable “source” document for copying (where do I start looking? Is what I found really the most recent copy?), Searching for the data that needs to be replaced within the document and replacing it with new values ​​(the data that needs to be replaced is not “highlighted” and is not limited to a certain part of the document), etc.
Instead of all of the above – you can create a new “record” of the appropriate type, fill in its data in an orderly and organized manner, and create the document with the click of a button when you’re done filling in the data. Filling out the data in the form is much faster – also because you don’t have to look for it in the text, and you don’t have to make an effort to remember how to fill it in correctly – for example, a value that is limited to a list of values ​​is indeed limited in the form to this list and does not allow you to select incorrect values…; Also – values ​​that are “mandatory” will not allow the creation of the document without them, and it will be clear from the form when you have finished filling in everything that is necessary – without having to search again and again in the document…
The document generator also makes it possible to create several documents in one operation from one form – for example when some of the data is common to all the new documents – then you don’t have to enter them again…

? What is the process that the document generator “saves” from my organization?

Creating multiple copies of the same document requires an employee in the organization to: (1) find a similar document from the past, (2) create a copy of it, (3) “clean” the “old” information from the copy and replace it with “up-to-date” information.

In the example of the “lease contract” that needs to be created again and again, for example – all the data related to the tenant, the rental transaction itself, and the property must be replaced…

The document generator “saves” the need for the above process – since the creation of a document is done from a “digital form”, without looking for a previous document (the template document attached to the digital form will be used to create the new document), and without replacing values ​​in the WORD document itself.

? Is it possible to generate more than one document in one operation?

Yes, of course it is possible, although the exact number of documents that can be generated in one operation depends on the type of subscription.
The document generator makes it possible to create several documents in one operation from one form – for example when some of the data is common to all the new documents – then you don’t have to enter them again…
All the documents that must be generated in a single operation are grouped together under a “collection of documents”, and the collection of documents is attached to the digital form.

? Can PDF documents be generated? Is the process different from desecrating WORD documents?

Yes, of course you can.
The process is the same.

? What types of documents can be created?

It is possible to generate WORD documents and PDF documents. In both cases the original document is a WORD document, and the information incorporated in the document comes from the “record” associated with it

? What is a “record” and how is it related to the document generator?

Every time we want to create a new document of the same type – we will create a “record” for it by opening the appropriate digital form, and entering the data into it. This data will be “merged” into the appropriate template document, to create the new document.
The record can be saved separately from the document created from it – therefore it is called an “information record”. These records are managed independently – and therefore it is easy to find documents created from them, for example – you do not need to run a search within the documents, and you can create “queries” consisting of values ​​of different fields in the record…

? What should be prepared in advance for the document generator?

The document generator operates on the basis of “document types” – you decide what types of documents you want to generate, and then prepare for each of them a “pair” of a “digital form” and a template document (or a collection of such documents). Every organization has one or more system administrators who can prepare these pairs – most “normal” users do not bother with these kinds of settings…

The digital form is prepared easily and quickly by the system administrator using a built-in form generator, and the template document is prepared using WORD itself, from a similar document that has been used in the past (by replacing text-required with simple “placeholders”)

Multiple and different types of documents can be managed in the system (the exact number depends on the subscription) – examples: rental agreement, loan application document, fault report document, etc…

? What is the document generator anyway?

The document generator is a tool that allows you to easily and quickly create multiple copies of the same “type” of document, so that they are all structured similarly, but contain different content, and all this without opening WORD at all.

The creation of the document is carried out from a “digital form” in which data relevant to the document is entered, then – at the click of a button, this data is “merged” into a suitable document template, to create the final document.

Example – an organization engaged in property management can repeatedly create the same “lease contract” by entering, in the digital form, the contract data, such as the tenant’s details, the rental dates and price, and the details of the rented property, and then create the long and complicated contract by clicking button.

? Can I prepare everything needed for the document generator myself?

Yes, of course (provided you are set as an administrator).
First thing – identify the data that needs to be “entered” for each such document, and build a suitable digital form for them using the built-in form generator.
In the second step, select a similar document from the past and turn it into a template document by locating all the text segments that need to be replaced with new values ​​every time such a document is created (according to the fields we built in the form the digital one), and replacing them with textual “placeholders”, consisting of double curly brackets and the name of the field in the digital form (for example – {{employee_name}}).
The template document can be easily prepared manually, but there is also a plugin for WORD (download from this link) that allows connection to a digital form that you prepared in DocsRobot from WORD, and a simple selection of the form fields to be added as placeholders, without remembering the field names and without typing anything…

? How do you get to the document generator?

The document generator is activated from the system’s main screen – there is no need to “get to it”. However – it is not possible to activate the form generator in a “new” system, where forms or template documents have not yet been defined. In such a system, the main screen will be empty, and will not allow the creation of new records…

To activate the form generator for an existing record, click on the appropriate icon (Create a WORD document, or Create a PDF document) next to the appropriate line in the table of records displayed on the main screen. Also, you can first view the record (by clicking on the icon “View record” or “Edit record”), then create a document from the record by clicking on the appropriate button at the top of the screen.

To activate the form generator with a new record, it is necessary to create it by clicking the “New record” button on the main screen, enter the appropriate data, and then generate a document from the record by clicking the appropriate button at the top of the screen (Create a WORD document, or Create a document PDF).