Small businesses

Not all managers are created equal

Some (sales, finance) have access to the best management tools the company can offer.
Others (legal / IT / operations…) are not so lucky…


DocsRobot is the great “equalizer”…

It is an intuitive, DIY, cloud-service, that allows managers to quickly configure a management-tool catering precisely to the needs of their department, without dealing with the complexities and costs of the enterprise-level tools.

How can we help you?

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Possible usages

The DocsRobot system enables diverse uses, each with its own data structures, its own appropriate process management, and more. Below are some common uses – please select one to learn more…

Contracts management

End-to-end management of contracts with reminders and daily emails, document generator, clear and accurate digital forms, electronic signing, process management, etc.

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Reporting management

Do the employees fill out regular reports on pages or in documents?

Is there information that you regularly collect from external parties by a phone call, email, or document?

Switch to a modern form-based reporting system that you can easily and quickly create yourself, with mobile support. Employees will submit reports this way, and external parties will provide you with information. Save time, prevent mistakes, show progress and efficiency and use information that is currently being lost…

To view a complete list of possible usages See here

What's in the system?

The system has many capabilities, some already come with the core system, and others – as optional modules

Digital forms (DIY) for capturing knowledge

Define any number of knowledge “objects” you need to keep track of, using DIY electronic forms, categorize them, share them, find them easily

Word/PDF Documents generator

Repeatedly produce MS-Word documents of similar structure but different data, easily and conveniently – from well-organized and intuitive electronic forms.

The system merges the form-entered data with Word templates that you can easily create yourself.

Integrate document generator with processes of other systems using APIs!

Have documents signed electronically

Easily set up complex signing processes by defining signature locations within a Word template!

Send a signature request at the click of a button, to one signer or multiple signers…

Ask signers to attach proof of identity.

Integrate signatures with processes of other systems using APIs

Collect/Present information outside the organization

Send requests for information, to parties outside the organization, using a link. They will enter the information in the same powerful forms, with advanced capabilities such as calculated fields and conditional-hiding.
Save employee time, show progress and efficiency to your customers, prevent mistakes, and use saved information for knowledge management, document creation, alerts, process management, document archiving, etc.
Advanced online reports can also be designed in the same way.

Daily email alert for open topics

Easily create reminders for any deadline of any task in any item, with one or more recipients (some listed for execution, others for information only) – receive a daily email with the list of “open” topics, and with all information required to complete them. Record and share with others: “Task in progress”, “Achieved so far”. Pause notifications for a fixed period (Snooze). Done? Report completion to remove reminders.

To view a complete list of features See here

Advantages compared to competition

DocsRobot has many advantages over competing systems; Below are some of them

Intuitive and easy to use

• Only a short training is required to activate the core functionality of the system, and it is enough to use a small part of its capabilities to bring great value to the organization.
• The interface is intuitive, and the modularity allows a “clean” view – only of what is really needed is displayed.
• Context-based online help can be displayed from any screen

Groundbreaking capabilities for Electronic Forms

Forms, of course, have all the expected capabilities (like different types of fields, whose place and size on the form can easily be designed, mandatory fields, default values, etc..) but they have many more breakthrough capabilities:

  • Division into chapters
  • Choosing color-packs and backgrounds for the design
  • Full support for mobile display – setting customized views for each form
  • Using tables while choosing the visible columns (on desktop and mobile), and even designing the dialog-boxes for editing rows
  • Calculated fields
  • Formulas and conditions allow adding calculations and showing/hiding parts of the form
  • When collecting external information – you can determine which data you enter first and which is blocked for editing, which fields are mandatory, which actions the recipient can perform (creation of documents / electronic signature), etc.

Advanced capabilities that others do not have

Are you used to cumbersome systems with too many capabilities, each of which provides only a partial solution?
No more! Every capability of the system has been thoroughly designed, to provide a full and comprehensive fulfillment to every requirement!

To view a complete list of advantages See here

Benefits to the organization

DocsRobot brings many benefits to your business; Below are some of them

Save time and costs

Every aspect of the system was designed to save you time, so you can do more for your business:
• Cloud service with mobile display support – accessible anywhere
• Well-organized forms – fast data entry and clear display of complex information
• Query and report builder – find everything quickly; Display everything clearly.
• Document generator – create complex documents quickly.
• Receive signed documents at the click of a button

Reduce risks, avoid mishaps

You will never forget what you have to do: there is no need to check every day what the open issues are and be afraid of missing any of them – every date of every item managed in the system can be “tagged” with an “alert”, and as soon as alert is added, you can forget about this date.
The system will remind you every day about open issues, and will not stop reminding you until you report execution…

Increase efficiently & reliability

System improves the efficiency and reliability of managing every activity which benefits from its core functionality – being a central repository of knowledge with organized views, sharing, alerts, doc-generation, signing, etc.
Efficiency is rewarding – employees just like to do more when they feel their time is not wasted!

To view a complete list of benefits See here