How does the document generator help me avoid omissions and mistakes?
In the “process” of creating a new copy of an existing document, there are many places to make a mistake: Is the document I chose as the source for copying really the most recent copy? Was I able to find and replace all the previous values with the new ones (didn’t I forget something?) Are the values that I chose to enter in the new document correct (what is the name of the responsible department? HHS? Accounting? Accounts? Finances?…)
Instead of all of the above – DocsRobot prevents all possible mistakes – the template document that forms the basis of the new document is always the most recent, the new values are entered in the fields of a form and not in the WORD document itself (with correctness check, list selection, mandatory fields, etc. ), it is easy to know when we have finished entering everything that is needed, and last but not least – the creation of the document is done without running WORD at all – an action that can always cause errors when entering data into complex documents (accidentally deleting a part of the document, for example, or damaging its final design) div>
Instead of all of the above – DocsRobot prevents all possible mistakes – the template document that forms the basis of the new document is always the most recent, the new values are entered in the fields of a form and not in the WORD document itself (with correctness check, list selection, mandatory fields, etc. ), it is easy to know when we have finished entering everything that is needed, and last but not least – the creation of the document is done without running WORD at all – an action that can always cause errors when entering data into complex documents (accidentally deleting a part of the document, for example, or damaging its final design) div>