Many “deals” require a commitment from the other party, and may fall apart if you face technical difficulties, such as waiting for a terms document that will arrive at a later stage, in order to sign it The system allows you to fill in essential details during a phone call, then perform the act of… Continue reading How do “electronic signatures” allow to remove obstacles facing the closing of transactions?
Instead of physically meeting with the signing party, it is possible to sign him “remotely”, without a physical meeting, with the push of a button. Such a signature is “immediate” – you don’t need to make an appointment for it. The definition phase of the “signature templates” in DocsRobot can also be performed independently, without… Continue reading How do “electronic signatures” enable convenience and time saving?
All the signature mechanisms that exist today make it possible to establish signatures at a fixed location on a form with a fixed structure. The problem is that in many cases, as soon as you merge different content each time into the template document, the place where you are supposed to sign the final document… Continue reading How is DocsRobot’s signature mechanism a real revolution?
“Electronic signature” processes can be activated on any PDF document that the document generator creates from a “document type” that has been “defined for signature”. Therefore, the relevant document types should be “defined for signature” – in one of two ways: (1) The first, revolutionary in its ease, is defined by adding textual “signature requirements”… Continue reading What should be prepared in advance for “electronic signature” processes?
Each system in the organization can activate an electronic signature process in DocsRobot using several methods. The most flexible method is where you transfer to DocsRobot – all the data needed by the document generator to create the document, as well as the contact information of each of the signatories. The data that is sent… Continue reading How do you integrate the electronic signature process of DocsRobot with other systems in the organization?
Each of the “signatories” receives a notification by email or SMS, with a link to display a PDF document on the mobile phone or computer. With the display of the screen and the end of viewing it, each of the signers can easily “skip” between the places where they need to sign, and “draw” their… Continue reading How is an “electronic signature” performed by the “signatories”?
Electronic signature process is activated from the main screen of the system. However, such a process cannot be run in a system that does not have template documents that already include textual “signature requirements” (such as “Sign here: ____________”), or in a “new” system that does not yet have forms for inputting information for the… Continue reading How do you activate an electronic signature process from within DocsRobot?
The system makes it possible to implement “electronic signature” processes for various “types of documents”, in which “recipients” receive a link to display a PDF document on their mobile phone or computer, easily skipping between the places they need to sign, and “draw” their signature using their finger or computer mouse. The signing is carried… Continue reading What “electronic signature” processes does the system allow to be implemented?
According to the Electronic Signature Law, 2001, an “electronic signature” is a signature that is electronic information or an electronic sign, attached or linked to an electronic message; “Electronic message” is defined as information that is created, sent, received or saved by electronic or optical means, when it is seen, read, heard or retrieved by… Continue reading What is the “electronic signature”?